• 9:00am

    Opportunities for individual meetings with Institute Co-Directors and Master Teacher at Courtyard Marriott and/or Grass Roots Coffee Shop

  • 10:00am

    Bus departs from Courtyard Marriott

  • 10:20am

    Arrive at Thomasville Regional Airport

  • 10:30am

    Tour Airport

    Airport Manager Robert Petty will show attendees around the facility. The airport was initially an advance fighter training field from 1942-1945.

  • 11:15am

    Dr. Piehler will discuss the use of African American GIs during the two world wars.

    In both wars, African Americans served in segregated units in the armed forces and generally in support units. He will discuss the influx of Black GIs into many southern communities during both wars and the hostility from White residents that often greeted them. In the end, pressure from civil rights organizations and the need for more personnel over the course of World War II resulted in army and navy policies that curbed the worst excesses of Jim Crow segregation in the armed forces.    

  • 12:00pm

    Bus departs from Thomasville Airport

  • 12:20pm

    Arrival at Courtyard Marriott

    The co-directors and master teacher will be available for small group or individual consultations during lunch.

  • 1:40pm

    Bus departs from Marriott Courtyard

  • 1:50pm

    Arrival at site of Historical marker for Finney General Army Hospital

    400 South Pinetree Blvd. Thomasville

    After viewing the commemorative plaque at the site of the former World War II army hospital, Dr. Piehler will lead a brief discussion that will continue later in the afternoon, focusing on what sites are saved and remembered and what sites are forgotten.

  • 2:05pm

    Bus departs from Finney Army Hospital site

    The attendees will be accompanied by Nancy Tinker of Thomasville Landmarks, who will speak briefly about each church.

  • 2:15pm

    Arrival Jack Hadley Black History Museum

  • 2:30pm

    Afternoon Session

    We will begin our afternoon session with an overview of the artifacts and other holdings of Jack Hadley Black History Museum, especially those items related to military history. Mr. Hadley will provide an overview of his own career with the U.S. Air Force.  Dr. Piehler will continue his discussion from the morning, outlining the military service of African American servicemen/women in the two world wars both from Thomasville and nationally.

  • 3:30pm


    1122 Lester Street, Thomasville

  • 3:45pm

    Wrapping Up and Going Forward

    The K-12 Education Specialist, Rhonda Grimm, and the co-directors, Drs. Mixon and Piehler, will lead a session focusing on “pulling it all together.” This session will encourage attendees to discuss ways they plan to incorporate what they learned during the workshop into the classroom.  We will discuss strategies for integrating complex stories and problematic sources into a lesson using the excerpts from Irwin MacIntyre’s, Colored Soldiers and the free responses that are part of the American Soldier website as examples. This session will conclude with teachers’ completing an evaluation form, but they will also be afforded the opportunity to offer feedback directly to the workshop directors.

  • 5:30pm

    Bus departs from Jack Hadley Black History Museum

  • 5:45pm

    Arrival at Courtyard Marriott

    Workshop Concludes For the Day